Xing Long Kungfu Belt System
Traditionally, Chinese martial arts don't follow a belt system like other countries' styles do. We want to keep up with modern times as we continue to develop and evolve our style. By adding a belt system we give our students something to strive for, apart from simply improving their techniques. It symbolises their dedication to training as well as their proficiency in each area. Xing Long Kungfu has four belts. Each can be graded for after another six months of training. For some, it may seem too easy to get a black belt after only two years. Please keep in mind that we are training full time here so two years at Xing Long Kungfu School will equate to many more years of someone who trains only a few times per week for a couple of hours. Also, understand that in countries like Korea and Japan, a black belt is not seen as one's mastery of a style but simply the mastery of the basics.
The belt breakdown is as follows:
Please note - Grading is NOT mandatory
Blue Belt - Students can grade for this belt after 6 months of training
Students must demonstrate one basic fist form and one basic weapon form
Students must be proficient in all basic Sanda combinations. They must complete a three minute round of padwork with a partner, followed by a three minute sparring round where they have a chance to show clean striking technique and at least 3 takedown variations
(Tai Chi)
Students must demonstrate Tai Chi 24 Step
Students must be able to break one brick with a knife hand chop
Red Belt - Students can grade for this belt after 1 year of training
Students must demonstrate one fist form, one short weapon form, and one long weapon form
Students must complete a four minute round of padwork with a partner, followed by two - three minute sparring rounds where they have a chance to show clean striking technique and at least 5 takedown variations
(Tai Chi)
Students must demonstrate Tai Chi 24 Step and Tai Chi Sword form
Students must be able to break a brick with a knife hand chop as well as have one staff broken over their abdomen
Brown Belt - Students can grade for this belt after 1 and a half years of training
Students must demonstrate two fist forms and two weapon forms
Students must complete two -three minute rounds of padwork with a partner, followed by three - three minute sparring rounds where they have a chance to show clean striking technique and at least 7 takedown variations
(Tai Chi)
Students must demonstrate Tai Chi 24 Step and Tai Chi 42 Step
Students must be able to break a brick with a knife hand chop, have one staff broken over their abdomen, one staff broken over their arm, as well as kick through one staff
Black Belt - Students can grade for this belt after 2 years of training
Students must demonstrate five forms as the master randomly calls them out
Students must complete three -three minute rounds of freestyle padwork with a trainer, followed by three - five minute sparring rounds where they have a chance to show clean striking technique and at least 9 takedown variations
(Tai Chi)
Students must demonstrate Tai Chi 42 Step and one weapon form (sword or fan)
Students must be able to break a brick with a knife hand chop, break one brick with an elbow strike, have one staff broken over their abdomen, over their arm, over their leg, as well as kick through three staffs bound together